Join us for this year’s Advent course: ‘GOD HAS NO FAVOURITES’ on Thursdays at 12:15 to 2:00pm over 5 weeks from 17th November at The Chequers, Keysoe, MK44 2HR:
17th November: The Best Picture of God
24th November: Neither Jew Nor Gentile
1st December: Neither Male Nor Female
8th December: Neither Slave Nor Free
15th December: What Is A Christian?
We meet at 12:15 to share a pub lunch, followed by a stimulating discussion led by Rev. Jane Bass and Rev. Anthony Davis, based on the York Course ‘God has no Favourites’ by Carmody Grey.

Cost: £5:00 in advance for the course booklet. In addition, attendees will pay for their food at The Chequers
Rev Anthony Davis: Tel: 07432 206342
Rev Jane Bass: Tel: 01234822126