These words from St Luke’s Gospel of the Angels to the Shepherds are from one of our most famous Christmas readings, also known from the Carol ‘While Shepherds watched their flocks by night’. It sums up the wonderful message of Christmas as God sends His Son Jesus Christ into the world to save us from sin and death, and give us hope, life and peace in His world, despite all that rages in God’s world where so many cry out for someone to save us.
So as this newsletter is for January as well as December, what a great message of hope to be with us into 2025.
We do hope you will be with us at our many services and events across our 5 churches (detailed in this Newsletter) and as all our three schools come to our churches too this Christmas time.
May you know the love and peace of our Saviour Jesus Christ whom God sent to give Himself to us and for us, and by His Holy Spirit He is still with us now.
With my love and prayers and, and that God’s peace and saving blessings will be with you this Christmas-tide now and always.
Timothy Wilson