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Blog: October 2024 - For Health and Strength and Daily Food

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

Harvest is a time when we focus on the food that God gives us through growth on His earth.  We celebrate it in the Autumn, although we know that most farms now grow a variety of crops through the year and don’t just harvest in the summer.


But Harvest also portrays the food we receive as a picture of all the good things God gives us and all His blessings.


Our most popular Harvest Hymn ‘We plough the fields and scatter’ in the last verse reminds us to thank God for:


‘Our life, our health, our food’


When we say what we call ‘Grace’ before a meal – which is a really good practice! – it is a shorthand for ‘Giving Thanks for God’s Grace’.  The food in front of us which we are about to enjoy is a picture of all God’s blessings – our life, health, food, family, friend, homes, warmth, transport, holidays, gifts, talents, abilities – the list could go on.  Another favourite Harvest Hymn ‘For the beauty of the earth’ thanks God for many things:


‘For the joy of human love, brother sister parent child,

Friends on earth and friends above

Pleasures pure and undefiled.’


So, as ‘We plough the fields’ states in every refrain:


ALL good gifts around us are sent from Heaven above’ (my emphasis)


So in this time of Harvest Thanksgiving, let’s be thankful not just for our food.


The title of this piece is part of a ‘Grace’ sung before meals in a round:


‘For Health and strength and daily food, we praise Your Name O Lord;

Because You are a God of love, we praise your Name O Lord.’


So we thank God at Harvest for our food, health, and so many other things; friends, family, all sorts of people.  But most of all we thank God for all His love – shown in giving us the greatest gift of all – His Son Jesus.


Timothy Wilson

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